Book cover Radykalnie otwarta terapia dialektyczno-behawioralna

Radykalnie otwarta terapia dialektyczno-behawioralna. Trening umiejętności

Terapia zaburzeń związanych z nadmierną kontrolą.

Translation: Juliusz Okuniewski

Substantive consultation: dr n. med. Maria Gałuszko-Węgielnik

Series: Psychiatria i Psychoterapia

Pages: 704 Book format: 17 x 24 cm Publication date: 2024 Publication date: 15.05.2024

Book description

Radically open dialectical behavior therapy (RO DBT) is a groundbreaking, transdiagnostic treatment model for clients with difficult-to-treat overcontrol (OC) disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, chronic depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Written by the founder of RO DBT, Thomas Lynch, this is the first and only session-by-session training manual to help you implement this evidence-based therapy in your practice.

About Author

Thomas R. Lynch, PhD, FBPsS, is professor emeritus of clinical psychology at the University of Southampton school of psychology. Previously, he was director of the Duke Cognitive-Behavioral Research and Treatment Program at Duke University from 1998-2007. He relocated to Exeter University in the UK in 2007. Lynch’s primary research interests include understanding and developing novel treatments for mood and personality disorders using a translational line of inquiry that combines basic neurobiobehavioral science with the most recent technological advances in intervention research. He is founder of radically open dialectical behavior therapy (RO DBT).

About RO DBT

RO DBT is based on the premise that psychological well-being involves the confluence of three factors: receptivity, flexibility, and social-connectedness. RO DBT addresses each of these important factors, and is the first treatment in the world to prioritize social-signaling as the primary mechanism of change based on a transdiagnostic, neuroregulatory model linking the communicative function of human emotions to the establishment of social connectedness and well-being. As such, RO DBT is an invaluable resource for treating an array of disorders that center around overcontrol and a lack of social connectedness—such as anorexia nervosa, chronic depression, postpartum depression, treatment-resistant anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorders, as well as personality disorders such as avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, and paranoid personality disorder.
Language Polish
Original title The Skills Training Manual for Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Clinician's Guide for Treating Disorders of Overcontrol
Original language English
Edition first
Authors Thomas R. Lynch
Translation Juliusz Okuniewski
Cover design Jan Paluch
ISBN: 978-83-233-5335-5
Country of producer: Poland

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