The first volume of the monograph Lectures on the economic growth theory contains mainly analyzes based on neoclassical models of economic growth. The models discussed are (due to the analytical tools used) mathematical models of economic growth.
The first chapter characterizes the concept of the macroeconomic, neoclassical production function and examines the mathematical and economic properties of this production function. The second chapter contains the assumptions of Solow's neoclassical growth model and its solution. These analyzes are carried out both in the Solow model with a general, neoclassical production function and its special cases (i.e. Cobb-Douglas and CES production functions). This chapter also sets out Phelps's golden rules for capital accumulation. In the third chapter, analogous analyzes (to those in the second chapter) are carried out based on the two-capital Mankiw-Romer-Weil model, and in the fourth chapter – the N-capital Nonneman-Vanhoudt model. The fifth chapter of the monograph examines the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on the processes of capital accumulation and economic growth. The models analyzed in the first five chapters of the monograph analyze the functioning of an economy that is characterized by constant returns to scale of the production process. This assumption is abandoned in the last, sixth chapter, which analyzes an economy that may experience decreasing or increasing returns to scale.
Each chapter ends with a summary (with the most important conclusions), tasks and tests. The tasks prepared by the authors are both analytical and numerical.
The analyzes presented in the monograph are largely based on lectures on economic growth models conducted by employees of the Department of Mathematical Economics of the Jagiellonian University in the field of economics at the master's level and during doctoral studies. The potential recipients of the monograph are students and PhD students in economics and science (in the field of mathematics), research staff and all people interested in the use of mathematics to describe economic growth processes.
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