Book cover Poradnik dobrego starzenia się

Poradnik dobrego starzenia się

Translation: Joanna Bilmin-Odrowąż

Scientific Editor: dr hab. Karolina Zarychta-Zajączkowska, prof. Uniwersytetu SWPS

Series: Psyche / Soma

Pages: 288 Book format: 15,5 x 23 cm Publication date: 2025 Publication date: 11.04.2025

Book description

For even the fittest, healthiest, and most vibrant among us, the truth is there are inevitable challenges that come from growing older. Major life transitions such as retirement, the loss of family or a partner, changes in our bodies, and changing social roles in everyday life can lead to feelings of uncertainty, loss of control, and even anxiety and depression. But aging doesn’t have to be a negative thing. You can carve out your own path. This book will show you how to live with more vitality and joy—at any age!

The Aging Well Workbook for Anxiety and Depression offers proven-effective, evidence-based skills drawn from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you learn the art of flexible thinking and feel more empowered and engaged with life. You’ll discover strategies for managing anxiety and depression, as well as lifestyle tips to help reduce symptoms in the future. You’ll also learn how your brain changes as you age, and find a wealth of strategies for managing these changes and making the most of your life.

If the changes you face as you age leave you feeling anxious, sad, or stressed, let this handbook guide you to take charge of your own aging process—and your mental health. You are worth it!
“If you’re an older adult and find you’re worried or down much of the time (or you care about an older person who’s anxious or down), then you need this wonderful workbook. Depression and anxiety aren’t the norm, even when older adults have health problems or other life difficulties. This easy-to-read manual will teach you invaluable skills for improving your mood, getting back into the swing of life, and achieving your goals.”
Judith Beck, PhD, president of The Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and author of books for consumers on using CBT for weight loss and maintenance


Julie Erickson, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, and adjunct faculty member in the department of applied psychology and human development at the University of Toronto. Erickson’s research interests focus on optimizing evidence-based psychological treatment for older adults, and reducing barriers to treatment-seeking. She offers workshops, seminars, and clinical supervision on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with older adults. She maintains an active clinical practice focusing on the treatment of adults across the lifespan. Erickson’s research has been published in journals such as Aging and Mental Health, Depression and Anxiety, Clinical Psychology Review, and Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.

Neil A. Rector, PhD, is a senior research scientist at the Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI); director of the Mood and Anxiety Research and Treatment Program; and director of research for the Thompson Anxiety Disorder Centre in the department of psychiatry at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, ON, Canada. Rector’s research interests focus on the study of cognitive and behavioral mechanisms of vulnerability in the development and persistence of anxiety and mood disorders, and their treatment with CBT. In addition to having an active CBT practice, Rector trains and supervises psychology and psychiatry students, runs workshops nationally and internationally, and is founder and director of the Forest Hill Centre for CBT in Toronto. He has published more than 150 scientific publications and book chapters, and is author of seven books.
Language Polish
Title in English The Aging Well Workbook for Anxiety and Depression: CBT Skills to Help You Think Flexibly and Make the Most of Life at Any Age
Original language English
Edition first
Cover design Jan Paluch
ISBN: 978-83-233-5496-3
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7671-2
Country of producer: Poland

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