Book cover Oficyna Schedlów

Oficyna Schedlów

W świecie drukowanej książki XVII i początków XVIII wieku

Series: Terminus: Bibliotheca Classica: Seria 2

Pages: 736 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2023 Publication date: 20.12.2023 E-book publication date: 03.04.2024

Book description

This work titled Schedels’ Printing Shop: In the World of the Printed Book of the 17th and the Beginning of the 18th Century addresses an issue of editorial and business activity of this particular printing shop, as well as the published books conceived as an artifact and medium of content and relevance of the printed books for select groups of the Old Polish society. The book is divided into ten main chapters. After describing the current research status, biographical facts concerning the Schedels are delivered, among others against a background of correspondence with Balthasar II Moretus and other sources, both manuscripts and printed, from the epoche. The Schedels’ published repertoire is characterised in terms of genre status, linguistic diversity, and target audiences for which it was prepared.

Abour author

Michał Czerenkiewicz – PhD, Chair of Editorship and Auxiliary Sciences, Jagiellonian University. Research interest: Neo-Latin studies, early printed book culture. Recent publications: Polonia illustrata. Łacińska twórczość panegiryczna Szymona Starowolskiego (Warsaw 2019); “Neo-Latin Hispanica, Acknowledged in the 17th Century Cracovian Print Culture (as Exemplified by the Schedels’ Printing Office)”, Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos 40 (2020).
Language Polish
Title in English Schedels’ Printing Shop: In the World of the Printed Book of the 17th and the Beginning of the 18th Century
Edition first
Cover design Marta Jaszczuk
ISBN: 978-83-233-5205-1
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7408-4
Country of producer: Poland

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