Early Novels on Arab Spring

Prophecy, Reality and Future

Pages: 174 Book format: 15x23 cm Publication date: 2022 Publication date: 10.05.2022 E-book publication date: 19.07.2022

Book description

The authors of this book present a study of the first Arab novels that dealt with the Arab Spring in the period 2011-2013. They show the rapid reaction of Arab novelists to what happened in their countries at that time. Dozens of narrative works have been published that heralded the advent of change and the victory of popular movements, glorifying the rebellious uprisings against tyrannical regimes. Few predicted the outbreak of the revolution before the occurrence of these major events. They also presented a comprehensive picture of what was going on in Arab societies during that difficult period. The revolutions left many victims, and for this reason pessimism and despair permeate some texts, but others paint a bright picture of the future of the Arab Spring, which may lead to the realization of the dream of freedom and democracy.

The young generation, which by means of the internet and social media contributed to the outbreak of the revolution, is ready to fight for its own ideals and freedom. Its representatives are fascinated by the power of revolution and the rapid course of events. They boldly face death in the hope that the sacrifice of their lives will bring about a better future for their children. It was young people, not politicians and party leaders, who planned the revolution demanding freedom, dignity, equality and justice.
Language English
Edition first
ISBN: 978-83-233-5065-1
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7288-2
Country of producer: Poland


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