List of important abbreviations 7
Introduction 9
Chapter I: Galicia and Lemkos. The formation of regional politics in the years 1849–1919 11
1. The origins of pro-Russian sympathies 12
2. Old Rusyns, Moscophiles, and National Movement Activists, 1907–1914 17
2.1. Russian Orthodoxy 19
3. The World War and the Lemko Republics 24
Chapter II: Moscophiles and Old Rusyns 35
1. Formation of the pro-Russian party 35
1.1. The Russian National Organization, 1923–1928 36
1.2. The Russian Peasant Organization, 1928–1939 39
2. Transformations in the Old Rusyn movement 53
2.1. The Rus Agrarian Party, 1928–1931, and the Rus Agrarian Organization, 1931–1939 54
2.2. Lemko Association (Lemko Soiuz), 1933–1939 59
3. The Kachkovsky reading rooms – developing local structure 65
4. Orthodox faith and political consciousness 72
Chapter III: The Ukrainian national movement 83
1. The Prosvita Society and the Lemko Commission 83
2. The local intelligentsia and other community organizations 98
2.1. The Ukrainian Pedagogical Society (Ridna Shkola) 101
2.2. The Farmers’ Society (Silskyi Hospodar 104
3. The Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance and Ukrainian Parliamentary Representation in view of government policy in the Lemko region 106
3.1. Against “regionalization” – with hope for “normalization 109
Chapter IV: The Lemko region in the nationality policy of the Second Polish Republic 121
1. The immediate postwar period 121
2. Assimilation: state or national 126
3. In the realm of educational and extracurricular issues 136
4. Religious issues in nationality policy 143
5. The elections of 1928, 1930, 1935, and 1938 151
Final remarks 161
Sources and bibliographies 165
Index 171