Values in the management of voluntary fire brigades.
Volunteer fire brigades (TSOs) fit into and complement the importance of tradition, history, and community in the management of NGOs and cultural organisations, including the management of organisational change and organisational continuity. What attributes and activities differentiate VFBs from the NGO sector in Poland? What values form the framework within which VFBs operate? Why and how are values used in VFB management? The book is a scholarly story about volunteer fire brigades, their values, leadership, ways of coping with their service, social roles, members' insecurities and giving a sense of security to others. It also shows the value that volunteer fire brigades bring to local communities, and why they are such an important part of civil society.
Abour Author
Sylwia Wrona, Faculty Member at Institute of Public Affairs, Jagiellonian University
Title in EnglishValues in the management of voluntary fire brigades