Book cover Public Relations bibliotek naukowych w Internecie

Public Relations bibliotek naukowych w Internecie

Series: Prace z Bibliotekoznawstwa i Informacji Naukowej

Pages: 232 Book format: 15,5x23 cm Publication date: 2007 Publication date: 01.09.2007 E-book publication date: 04.05.2023
The book offers an evaluation of 234 library websites regarding Public Relations. These websites, existing in 2005, belonged to 394 Polish scholarly institutions: universities, the Polish Academy of Sciences and research institutes. The purpose of the book was to research the contribution of libraries to the overall image of scholarly institutions on the Internet. On the basis of 430 theoretical and empirical works published in Polish, English and German between 1990 and 2006, the elements that build up the image of libraries and scholarly institutions on the Internet were identified. Then these elements were applied as criteria in the process of Internet PR evaluation. The contents of selected academic library websites were analyzed so as to demonstrate their influence on the image of supervising institutions. The research method employed was -websites content analysis, as termed by the author. She also prepared a questionnaire listing 378 features of library websites divided into 17 categories. They represent those elements that potentially exert the strongest impact on the image of scholarly institutions in social reception. The results were presented by means of SWOT analysis. The strengths of web services were pointed out, e.g. presentation of scientific research achievements and organizational culture. The observed weaknesses were, among others, low interactivity or too limited target groups. These weaknesses may be turned into opportunities, within library milieux, to improve the image of the supervising institutions by e.g. exchanging experiences, increasing co-operation among librarians and eliminating negative factors, such as the low status of libraries and the profession of librarian. The best PR practices should inspire decision-makers and those who are responsible for creating the image of libraries in public communication via the Internet.

Book description

Language Polish
Title in English Public relations : biblioteki, wydawnictwa, informacja naukowa, uczelnie
Edition first
ISBN: 978-83-233-2367-9
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-8226-3
Country of producer: Poland


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