Dorota Korwin-Piotrowska, Białe znaki. Milczenie w strukturze i znaczeniu utworów narracyjnych (Na przykładach z polskiej prozy współczesnej) [Whitespaces. Silence in the Structure and Meaning of Narrative Works (Based on the Examples from the Polish Contemporary Prose)
“This is one of the most original works dedicated to contemporary literature. It focuses on the manners of representation and functions of silence in the narrative prose. (.) The book is the first monograph concerning this issue in the Polish literary studies and it not only presents the anatomy of silence, but also all its varieties and the related phenomena. It explains – by means of precise interpretations – its role and mechanisms in the selected works of literature. (.) The whole work evokes admiration for the width of the perspective in which the author views the title issue of "whitespaces" and for the analytical subtlety of the researcher.”
Excerpt from the pre-publication review by prof. Włodzimierz Bolecki (Professor of Literary Criticism in Institute of Literary Research, The Polish Academy of Sciences and Humanities)