Table of Contents, Reviews

Women in New Migrations

Current Debates in European Societies

Edited by: Krystyna Slany, Maria Kontos, Maria Liapi

Series: Gender Studies ISUJ

Pages: 330 Book format: B5 Publication date: 2010 Publication date: 01.10.2010

Book description

The volume Women in New Migrations. Current Debates in European Societies offers an overview of research and debates concerning new female migrants in European countries. Despite the effects of globalisation and the Europeanisation both of national migration and integration policies and of studies carried out by transnational research projects, social, economic and political conditions at a national level remain a powerful basis of academic production. Varying conditions for migration and integration and language and cultural specificities create differentiated research and debates.

The contributions in this book show the complexity of the interconnectedness between global and national debates and between feminist and migration discourses, resulting in different outcomes as far as issues of gender and migration are concerned. Analysis of nationally based debates on migration and integration offers an insight into the functioning of different societies, as well as their degree of openness towards new female migrants. This book is a product of the research project “Integration of female immigrants in labour market and society. Policy assessment and policy recommendations” (acronym: FeMiPol) funded by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Programme.

Krystyna Slany, Professor, Head of the Department of Population Studies, Head of Gender Studies at the Institute of Sociology at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

Maria Kontos, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Research at the J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main and lecturer in sociology at the Goethe University, Germany

Maria Liapi
, Sociologist and equality expert, founding member of the Centre for Research on Women’s Issues (Diotima) and a member of its directing board, Athens, Greece
ISBN: 978-83-233-2473-7
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-8256-0
Country of producer: Poland


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