Book cover Pozyskiwanie otwartego kapitału intelektualnego

Pozyskiwanie otwartego kapitału intelektualnego

Pages: 191 Book format: 15,8x23,5 cm Publication date: 2023 E-book publication date: 01.06.2023

Book description

This book presents, for the first time, the use model of acquiring open intellectual capital (OIC) to conduct the analysis and comparative evaluation of the differentiated OIC acquisition of two independent groups of innovative small and medium enterprises, which belong to the knowledge-intensive and high technology industries operating in Poland during the research period 2005–2019. 
The developed model accounts for the external and internal streams of OIC acquired by the enterprises that were covered by the research. The obtained results of the analysis and comparative evaluation of the differentiated acquisition of OIC constitute the original results of the research. These results also indicate the application for management enterprises covered by this study, including added value in the management science discipline. Thus, the research results presented in the book may be interesting and useful mainly for management theorists and in the presented subject also for practitioners. One group of beneficiaries may include the managerial staff of the enterprises covered by the research and others that use innovation development strategies in their business activities, which include acquiring OIC. The second group of recipients may be management faculty students interested in concepts of intellectual capital and its acquisition as part of the innovation development strategy in enterprises. The third group of recipients may include institutions supporting enterprises in developing and raising the level of innovation and competitiveness. The fourth group of recipients may be central and local government authorities creating friendly environment for the development of intellectual capital and innovativeness of the economy.
e-ISBN (pdf): 978-83-233-7440-4


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